Introduction. International experience shows that social innovation is an important tool for regional development, although this type of innovation is a relatively new phenomenon for Russia. On the basis of the research conducted, the article analyzes the conditions for the implementation of social innovation which has a significant potential to meet the challenges of territorial development. Materials and Methods. Based on materials from open sources, as well as on an expert survey conducted by the Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the direct participation of the author, the conditions for the implementation of social innovation prevailing in the constituent entities of the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation were analyzed in the context of legal, infrastructural, economic, and socio-cultural components. Using the results of the expert survey, a quantitative assessment of the level of development of the conditions for the implementation of social innovation was given. The main barriers preventing the reproduction of social innovation within the territory under consideration were revealed. Results. The study has revealed that in the regions of the Northwestern Federal District the conditions for the implementation of social innovation are at the stage of active development: infrastructure and legislation are being formed; financial, tax and property support is being provided; educational programs are being implemented. The study has also shown that there are a number of problematic aspects associated with the underdevelopment of the regulatory framework, with the lack of Centers for innovation in the social sphere in a number of constituent entities, with the limited availability of some financial instruments, with low social and innovative activity of people, etc. Discussion and Conclusion. The results obtained are supported by other studies, which substantiates the need for policy adjustment towards improving the relevant regulatory framework, economic conditions, infrastructure, and socio-cultural environment. The research materials can be used by regional authorities when making managerial decisions to support social innovation; they can also be useful for further studies within the framework of the issues under consideration.