Using computer-assisted language learning (CALL) in English language learning has not received the attention it deserves in Indonesian EFL context; thus, this study tried to inspect the impacts of CALL on Indonesian EFL learners' vocabulary learning, speaking skill, and speaking anxiety. To reach this end, the Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT) was administered to 103 Indonesian EFL students, and 60 of them whose English proficiency levels were intermediate were chosen as the respondents of this investigation. They were divided into two groups: an experimental group and a control group. Then, a vocabulary test, a speaking test, and a Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) questionnaire were administered to the groups as the pretests of the study. After that, the conversations and the vocabulary items of six lessons of Family and Friends Book 6 were taught to the experimental group by an online instruction (Skype application). On the other side, the same conversations and vocabulary items were taught to the control participants by a conventional instruction (face-to-face class). After teaching the conversations and vocabulary items, the posttests of vocabulary, speaking skill, and anxiety were administered to the groups to determine the influences of the intervention on their vocabulary, speaking, and anxiety. The collected data were analyzed by utilizing independent samples and paired samples t-tests, and the gained outcomes indicated that the experimental participants outflanked the control participants both in the speaking and vocabulary posttests. Moreover, the outcomes of the questionnaire demonstrated that the experimental participants had less amount of speaking anxiety compared to the control participants after receiving the treatment. Finally, the implications and the conclusions of the results were explained at the end of the research.