The objective of this work was to assess the effect of solar radiation, air temperature and photoperiod, in plant development and yield of potato clones grown under spring and autumn conditions. The clones SMIJ461-1, SMINIA793101-3, SMINIA97145-2 and the cultivar Macaca were cultivated during spring 2006 and autumn 2007, in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Leaf number at tuber initiation and at final tuberization, phylochron, accumulated thermal sum from emergence to tuber initiation and from tuber initiation to beginning of senescence, and yield were determined. The conditions of temperature and photoperiod affected accumulated thermal sum of emergence tuber initiation and tuber initiation-beginning of senescence, yield and leaf number at tuber initiation, but did not affect phylochron and final leaf number. The accumulated thermal sum necessary to new leaf appearance depended upon each clone. New potato clones with high yield potential, for both crop conditions, can be identified through leaf number at tuber initiation under spring and autumn conditions. Season conditions have little effect on development of potato plants. The availability of solar radiation is the major atmosphere factor that explains yield variations between spring and autumn conditions in Rio Grande do Sul.