Unconventional gas reservoirs, including tight gas, shale gas and coalbed methane, are becoming a critically important component of the current and future gas supply. However, these reservoirs often present unique stimulation challenges. The use of water-based fracturing fluids in low permeability reservoirs may result in loss of effective frac half-length caused by phase trapping associated with the retention of the introduced water into the formation. This problem is increased by the water-wet nature of most tight gas reservoirs (where no initial liquid hydrocarbon saturation is, or ever has been, present) because of the strong spreading coefficient of water in such a situation. The retention of increased water saturation in the pore system can restrict the flow of produced gaseous hydrocarbons such as methane. Capillary pressures of 10 to 20 MPa or higher can be present in low permeability formations at low water saturation levels. The inability to generate sufficient capillary drawdown force using the natural reservoir drawdown pressure can result in extended fluid recovery times, or permanent loss of effective fracture half-length. Furthermore, use of water in subnormally saturated reservoirs may also reduce permeability and associated gas flow through a permanent increase in water saturation of the reservoir. Secondary costs, such as rig time for swabbing, can add to the negative economic impact. Gelled liquid petroleum gas-based fracturing fluids are designed to address phase trapping concerns by replacement of water with a mixture of liquid petroleum gas (LPG) and a volatile hydrocarbon fluid. Once the well is drawn down for flowback, some of the LPG portion of the fluid may be produced back as a gas, dependent upon temperature and pressure. The remaining LPG remains dissolved in the hydrocarbon fluid and is produced back as a miscible mixture using a methane drive mechanism. By eliminating water and having LPG as up to 80-90% of the total fluid system, cleanup is greatly facilitated, even in wells having very low permeability and reservoir pressure. The effects of fracturing fluid retention on gas flow in the fracture face can be as important as fracture conductivity when designing a treatment. It is possible to have a conductive fracture with good half-length in the desired productive zone and still not realize economic or optimum gas production if phase trapping and/or relative permeability effects are restricting gas flow.