Most studies of vortex shedding from a circular cylinder in a gas flow have explicitly or implicitly assumed that the no-slip condition applies on the cylinder surface. To investigate the effect of slip, vortex shedding is simulated using molecular gas dynamics (the direct simulation Monte Carlo method) and computational fluid dynamics (the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with a slip boundary condition). A Reynolds number of 100, a Mach number of 0.3, and a corresponding Knudsen number of 0.0048 are examined. For these conditions, compressibility effects are small, and periodic laminar vortex shedding is obtained. Slip on the cylinder is varied using combinations of diffuse and specular molecular reflections with accommodation coefficients from zero (maximum slip) to unity (minimum slip). Although unrealistic, bounce-back molecular reflections are also examined because they approximate the no-slip boundary condition (zero slip). The results from both methods are in reasonable agreement. The shedding frequency increases slightly as the accommodation coefficient is decreased, and shedding ceases at low accommodation coefficients (large slip). The streamwise and transverse forces decrease as the accommodation coefficient is decreased. Based on the good agreement between the two methods, computational fluid dynamics is used to determine the critical accommodation coefficient below which vortex shedding ceases for Reynolds numbers of 60-100 at aMach number of 0.3. Conditions to observe the effect of slip on vortex shedding appear to be experimentally realizable, although challenging.