Hyperactivity is a child-and adolescent-specific complex of symptoms associated with excessive mental and motor activity. Hyperactivity may be related to genetic, prenatal, and social factors. According to experts, from 2.2 to 18% of adolescents suffer from hyperactivity which affects their social adaptation. The results of modern studies suggest that this behavioral disorder originates mainly from perinatal pathology thus being a neurobiological disorder. However, there are still no full-scale studies of correlations between dysfunction of the brain regions and adolescence hyperactivity, and correspondingly this syndrome is regarded as a behavioral, not a neurological disorder. So, the prevention of adverse consequences associated with misbehavior is meant to be a task for educational workers including physical education teachers and coaches. The authors studied the severity of attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome and its symptoms in 11-13-year-old school children of two Chelyabinsk schools and, based on the results, offered the experimental method of organizing extracurricular sport play activities in order to manage the revealed symptoms. The effectiveness of the suggested method is proved by positive changes in key criterial parameters - voluntary attention, attention skills, and motor development - in adolescents from the experimental group. Voluntary attention indicators increased by 48%, voluntary motor activity indicators increased by 40%, and locomotor system indicators increased by 51%. The experimental data were additionally confirmed by the results of the parental survey and class teachers' feedback.