Objectives: To examine the level and trend in the coverage gap of a set of interventions of maternal and child health services using a summary index and to assess the disparity in usage of maternal and child health services in the districts of high focus states of India. Design: Data for the present study are taken from the Annual Health Survey (AHS), 2010-2013 and Census of India, 2011. Settings: This study used secondary data from states having higher mortality and fertility rates, termed as high focus states in India. Participants: District-level information regarding children aged 12-23 months and ever married women aged 15-49 years has been extracted from the AHS (2010-2013), and household amenities, female literacy and main workforce information has been obtained from the Census of India 2011. Measures: 2 summary indexes were calculated first for maternal and child health services and another for socioeconomic and development status, using data from AHS and Census. Cronbach's a was used to assess the internal consistency of the items used in the index. Results: The result shows that the coverage gap is highest in Uttar Pradesh (37%) and lowest in Madhya Pradesh (21%). Converge gap and socioeconomic development are negatively correlated (r=-0.49, p=0.01). The average coverage gap was highest in the lowest quintile of socioeconomic development. There was an absolute change of 1.5% per year in coverage gap during 2009-2013. In regression analysis, the coefficient of determination was 0.24, beta=-30.05, p=0.01 for a negative relationship between socioeconomic development and coverage gap. Conclusions: There is a significant disparity in the usage of maternal and child healthcare services in the districts of India. Resource-rich people (urban residents and richest quintile) are way ahead of marginalised people (rural residents and poorest quintile) in the usage of healthcare services.