Floristic composition and communities of 47 stands of deodar (Cedrus deodara Roxb. ex Lamb. G. Don.) forests covering its natural limits in Pakistan are presented. On the basis of phytosociological analysis, floristic composition of tree species and importance value index, following deodar communities and a pure forest type are recognized and described quantitatively. Deodar - Juglans community, Deodar - Quercus community, Deodar - Taxus community, Deodar - Picea community, Deodar - Abies community, Deodar - Pinus gerardiana community, Deodar - Pinus wallichiana community and monospecific Deodar forests It is anticipated that poor floristic similarities on forest ground, between these communities, within the community and in pure stands are related to difference in climatic zones, microclimatic conditions and degree of disturbance. Can deodar compete with its associated species? Due to highly disturbed nature of these stands, no conclusion could be made.