This paper analyzes the concept of the right to the city from the theoretical perspective of both Henry Lefebvre and the critical articulation between public and private autonomy as proposed by Jurgen Habermas. It is based on the study of the categories of deliberative democracy and communicative action, the construction of a more transparent and efficient urban dynamics, as well as the promotion of the right to the city with respect to the rights essential to private autonomy and guarantee of the legal political space. By means of the deductive method, based on the bibliographical review, the article intends to redesign the legal status of the cities and to alert to the importance of the introduction of effective mechanisms of community participation in order to avoid the elitist appropriation of the urban space. The results indicate that the city, as a material morphology, sensitive geographic space, is a condition of possibility for the realization of the urban environment, which, in turn, consists of the continuous movement of relations carried out by individuals and social groups that are increasingly plural and in need of articulation. The main final considerations point to the need for horizontal management from the concepts of deliberative democracy and communicative action among all social actors.