As for coal seam feature, geological structure and mining face stress concentration, the thin coal zone in island coal face with potential outburst is liable to induce dynamic disaster, such as coal and gas outburst, rockburst. It can improve the safety level and resource recovery ratio to research the outburst control technology of thin coal zone in island coal face. 11061 mining face of Liangbei mine is an island coal face, and the coal seam has outburst danger. When 11061 coal face exposed the thin coal zone unexpectedly, the strata behaviours were so serious that the coal face was forced to stop mining. Based on the distribution characteristics and stress regularity of the thin coal zone, the comprehensive outburst prevention and control technology which consists of pressure-releasing drill, loosening blast, discharging drill and effect check has been found and used in the thin coal zone. The results has proved that the comprehensive outburst prevention and control technology is effective to remove the outburst danger of the thin coal zone in 11061mining face, and the comprehensive technology can help to mine 11061 coal face continuously in spite of the thin coal zone, which has brought successful engineering experience and distinct economic benefit. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of China Academy of Safety Science and Technology, China University of Mining and Technology( Beijing), McGill University and University of Wollongong.