Background/aims: The aim was to represent the clinical characteristics of six children with Gaucher disease and to describe the results of three years' enzyme replacement therapy. Material and Methods: The data of six Gaucher patients treated with imiglucerase for more than three years were collected. Age, gender, ant hropometric measurements, physical examination findings, ophthalmological evaluations, blood counts, liver function tests, liver and spleen sizes, and bone mineral density of the patients were recorded. Clinical presentations, progressions and therapeutic achievements were evaluated. Results: At the time of diagnosis, all patients were clinically type 1 Gaucher disease. Bone lesions, thrombocytopenia and hepatosplenomegaly were found in all patients at diagnosis. After three years of therapy, normalization of blood cell counts, liver and spleen sizes, bone mineral density, and growth was achieved in all patients. Two patients developed neurological symptoms on enzyme replacement therapy, and the diagnosis in these patients was changed to Gaucher type 3. We observed progression of vertebral bone lesions in three patients despite treatment. Conclusions: The results of enzyme replacement therapy are satisfying, but the possibility of deterioration in clinical findings despite therapy should be kept in mind.