This paper documents the sensitivity of the modeled evolution of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) to physical parameterization using the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Regional Spectral Model (RSM). To this end, perfect boundary condition experiments driven by analysis data are designed for August 2003 to investigate the individual role of the surface processes, boundary layer, and convection parameterization on the simulated monsoon. Also, 10-yr June-August (JJA) simulations from 1996 to 2005 are performed to evaluate the overall impacts of these revisions on the simulated EASM climatology. The one-month simulation for August 2003 reveals that the experiment with a realistic distribution of land use conditions and vegetation and smaller thermal roughness length simulates higher temperature and geopotential height. On the other hand, in the experiment with an improved boundary layer scheme, the rainfall amount is slightly decreased due to reduced vertical mixing. The simulation with revised subgridscale processes in the cumulus parameterization scheme reproduces a rainband over the subtropics, which is weakly simulated by the default package. The overall large-scale distribution from the experiment, which includes all three revised physics processes, shows the same direction as that of the revised convection run in the middle and upper troposphere, but is improved further when other newly enhanced processes are combined. These improvements are also achieved in a 10-yr summer simulation. It is distinct that the revised physics package improves the large-scale patterns by strengthening the intensity of the North Pacific high and reducing the intensity of the lower-level jet, which are critical components in the EASM. The general patterns of the interannual and intraseasonal variation of precipitation are also improved, in particular, over land.