From the vantage point in space, satellite platforms have recently been demonstrating increased and satisfactory observational possibilities, which can be used together with point based in-situ data for sustainable exploration and exploitation of ocean resources and to improve the forecasting accuracy for weather, ocean conditions and longer term climate change. Utilising this opportunity, significant progress has been achieved in India in demonstrating the utility of satellite remote sensing data for various oceanographic research and applications during the last one decade. Among these, techniques have been developed for retrieval of various ocean parameters and processes such as ocean surface waves, winds, internal waves, sea surface temperature, chlorophyll pigments, oceanic eddies, heat budget, mixed layer depth and latent heat. With the encouraging results from these studies as well as for meeting the specific and increasing data requirements on an assured basis by oceanographers, concerted efforts are being made for developing and launching state-of-the-art indigenous satellites for ocean applications. The first in the series of ocean satellites planned for launch is Oceansat-1 (IRS-P4) by early 1999. It carries on-board two payloads viz. an Ocean Colour Monitor (OCM) and a Multi-frequency Scanning Microwave Radiometer (MSMR), which are designed to provide global data for various oceanographic and meteorological applications. Followed by this, a full fledged satellite for ocean applications known as Oceansat-2 (IRS-P7) is planned for launch during 2002. Oceansat-2 which is configured with payload mix of microwave (Scatterometer, Altimeter & Passive Microwave Radiometer), Thermal (TIR) and Optical(OCM) sensors, is expected to provide greater in-sight into the global understanding of ocean dynamics/resources through measurement of wide range of oceanographic parameters. For efficient utilisation of data from Oceansat-1 & preparedness for utilisation of Oceansat-2, a well-knit programmes aimed at demonstrations of end-to-end capability & their applications in thrust areas have been initiated. Important efforts initiated in this direction include SATellite Coastal and Oceanographic Research and Ocean Information Services, which are being carried out on an integrated basis with the objectives of providing ocean services to the down stream users. The paper highlights these efforts as well as the future ocean observation missions for providing an operational ocean information services in India.