The interpretation of the two-dimensional regional seismic lines covering the offshore of the Kribi-Campo subbasin allows the identification of one aggrading synrift depositional sequence (SS1) of Barremian?-Aptian age and three postrift prograding depositional sequences (SS2, SS3, and SS4) of Albian-Maastrichtian age. The seismic sequences SS1, SS2, SS3, and SS4 correspond, respectively, to the Lower Mundeck, Upper Mundeck, Logbadjeck, and Logbaba Formations. These sequences are bounded respectively by erosional unconformities (H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5). These erosional unconformities are designed in three-dimensional geological models that define the paleotopography of the Kribi-Campo subbasin. The sediment supply is mostly continental, transported by coastal paleorivers, and grouped into three depositional systems: (1) deltaic, fan-delta, and platform facies; (2) neritic; and (3) bathyal. Synrift sequence (SS1) and Cretaceous postrift sequences (SS2, SS3, and SS4) are affected by northwest-southeast unidirectional submarine canyons that are perpendicular to the paleoshelf margin. Several trap types are present in the study area, including structural traps associated with antithetic faults, rollover anticlines bounded by listric faults, and combination traps associated with salt diapirs and compressive structures.