The aim of the laboratory is increasing educational programmes and policies about sustainable development. The non-profit association ARCHI.MEDIA promotes the initiative. Every science concerning architecture, landscape, territory and environment will be included in the project. Every autumn workshops will be provided: during 4 weeks students came from many different countries of the world will work together on a realisable project. Workshops include lessons, conferences, study visits and exhibitions. During each year several occasions of debate will be organised by the association, in relationship with ELAST. Activities work for the implementation of urban and rural planning, concerning rational use of energy and integration of renewable energies. The laboratory, working at the first experience, on territory of Province of Grosseto (Tuscany, Italy), uses new technologies, to involve architects, students, teachers, technicians of Public Administrations and all the people interested to the territorial policies. Bursaries for non European Union countries will be provided. A mobile form of the same laboratory is under construction to bring sustainable development issues all around the world, especially in that part of the planet where this kind of policy is very important but not yet understood by a large public (i.e. North Africa and Middle East). The first laboratory will hold on October 1998. Results can be evaluated in the medium and long term. ELAST represents an good occasion to improve the sustainable development policies starting from a wide and wild territory in the Southern Tuscany.