Quantifying the availability of feedstock and determining an optimal location are key to ensuring the sustainability of a waste to value-added (W2VA) facility. This study aims to identify lignocellulosic biomass (agricultural and forest residues) and municipal solid waste (MSW) potential, find geographical point-source locations for the distributed biomass, and identify optimal locations for W2VA facilities across the province of Alberta, Canada, using an integrated geographic information system (GIS) based approach. MSW potential is estimated using population and average annual waste generation per capita, while agriculture and forest residue are estimated using production data and harvesting residue factor. A GIS-based framework is developed to locate biomass collection points by latitude and longitude for distributed biomass and to estimate their associated biomass potential. An integrated framework is subsequently developed to optimally locate W2VA facilities that have minimal environmental, economic, and social impacts. An array of geographical constraints is then considered in a suitability analysis and network analysis framework. An estimate of the annual availability of feedstock using the most recent data shows MSW, agricultural residue, and forest residue potentials of 4,330,000 wet megagrams (Mg), 4,060,000 dry Mg, and 2,070,000 dry Mg, respectively, in Alberta. Optimal W2VA facility locations are identified for Alberta's Industrial Heartland (AIH) considering waste heat from the areas as an additional energy source. Ten other locations where facilities can be operated sustainably are identified across the province. This study can be used as a framework by municipalities and communities in any jurisdiction in the world to geographically locate biomass source and collection points, along with their annual capacity, and the corresponding optimal site for a W2VA facility.