The purpose of this paper is to identify factors predicting perceived intention of using IoT by Indians. To fulfill the purpose, basing on literature review and on diffusion theory of planned behavior (DTPB) model, factors predicting perceived intention of using IoT by the Indian consumers have been identified and hypotheses have been developed which were tested by collecting data using questionnaire from 400 concerned respondents. The data were analyzed and tested using different standard tools. The study revealed that: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, compatibility impact attitude, influence of family members, influence of peers, influence of others impact subjective norms, self-efficacy, and facilitating conditions impact perceived behavioral control. Again, attitude and perceived behavioral control influence intention though subjective norms significantly do not influence intention. Again, it is found that intention positively influences the actual use of IoT by the consumers. The outcome would help the IoT service providers to improve their businesses.