In this study, we compared the fertilization rate and embryo quality after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) as they relate to oocyte morphology, A total of 654 ICSI cycles yielding 5903 metaphase II oocytes were observed, The oocytes retrieved in these cycles were divided into (i) normal oocytes, (ii) oocytes with extracytoplasmic abnormalities (dark zona pellucida and large perivitelline space), (iii) oocytes with cytoplasmic abnormalities (dark cytoplasm, granular cytoplasm, and refractile body), (iv) oocytes with shape abnormalities, and (v) oocytes with more than one abnormality (double and triple abnormalities), Intracytoplasmic vacuoles and aggregates of smooth endoplasmic reticulum were not recorded separately. The fertilization rate and quality of morphologically graded embryos did not differ between the groups. There were 77 cycles where all transferred embryos were derived from abnormal oocytes, and 164 cycles where all embryos were derived from normal oocytes. These cycles were studied further. The two groups were comparable regarding mean female age, duration of infertility, duration of ovarian stimulation, number of ampoules of gonadotrophin injected, and number of oocytes retrieved. Two clinical pregnancy rates (44.4 versus 42.1%) and implantation rates per embryo (10.3 versus 13.2%) were similar: In conclusion, in couples undergoing ICSI, abnormal oocyte morphology is not associated with a decreased fertilization rate off unfavourable embryo quality. Furthermore, embryos derived from abnormal oocytes yield similar clinical pregnancy and implantation rates when transferred compared with embryos derived from normal oocytes.