In the past decades, shale gas has been recognized as the promising unconventional resource for global energy storage, and a clear understanding of the gas-transport characteristic within nonporous shale organic matter (i.e., kerogen) is fundamental for the effective development of shale reservoirs. In this regard, previous studies were generally conducted based on the ideally smooth nanochannels (e.g., graphite slit or tube) without considering the atomistic-scale roughness of the walls. Herein, using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we perform a systematical investigation on the gas-transport characteristic through amorphous organic nanopores constructed by realistic kerogen molecules. The results show that the gas-transport velocity in amorphous organic nanopores drops dramatically (40, 70, and 90%) only with tiny roughness factors (0.3, 0.6, and 1.2%) when compared with ideally smooth nanochannels. Further analysis of the potential energy surface and the particle trajectory justifies the entirely different gas-transport mechanisms in ideally smooth (surface diffusion) and relative rough (viscosity diffusion) organic nanopores. Besides, based on the insights of numerous MD simulations (pore sizes: 3-9 nm and system pressures: 5-50 MPa), a new analytical model that is able to consider the key effect of roughness factor on gas transport in organic-rich shale is developed, which is well verified with the experimental results. It is particularly found that the gas-transport capacity in organic-rich shale (similar to 1 nm of slippage length) would be enormously overrated as much as 2 orders of magnitude by the traditional cognition based on ideally smooth nanopores (similar to 100 nm of slippage length).