A Retail Brand is an asset of value to the stakeholders. Nurturing it enhances quality and stability of earnings. Franchising it across emerging countries provides an opportunity for growth. The challenge however is to ensure that the brand stays 'connected' with the local markets and 'relevant' during changing times. Current research is highly inadequate in guiding the retail brands to stay vibrant when traveling to emerging markets. This research looks at how a successful fashion brand in UK is struggling to grow its retail business through the franchise way in the Middle East. While the opportunity is vast, the retail brand has been struggling for it has not stayed 'relevant'. The paper presents a framework for monitoring its performance so the retail brand can 'stay alive'. Qualitative research was done to understand the profile of the walk-in customers, their shopping behavior, spending motives, and lifestyles. Quantitative research was done to ascertain how the retail brand was perceived in comparison to the other brands in the choice set. Further, the study investigated if the shoppers' profile and preferences varied across different outlets located in different malls. By carrying out the analyses distinct segments were deciphered. It has been noticed that the customer profiles for the retail brand studied varied across different retail locations. Variations in their shopping preferences implied that different merchandising and in- store promotion activities are required at different outlets to connect with different segments. The research addresses the gaps in existing literature. The study emphatically confirms that a retail franchised cannot take its existence for granted. The study also presents a framework - a dashboard of retail metrics, for measuring, monitoring, evaluating and rejuvenating the performance of retail brands.\