Vermicompost can have an effective role in plant growth and nutrition. It can also reduce the harmful effects of stress caused by environmental factors. This study was a factorial experiment with a completely randomized plot design and three replications. The results showed that the calcium concentration (+40% +39%) of root and calcium (+71% +67%) and potassium contents (+49% +59%) of leaf under conditions of moderate and severe water stress increased under vermicompost treatments at the ratio of 30%. Sodium absorption (-37% -21%) in moderate and severe conditions was significantly reduced by vermicompost treatment. In moderate and severe water stress, the growth medium of 30% vermicompost significantly enhanced proline (+39%) and soluble protein content (+28%) compared to the control. In conclusion, our results proved vermicompost fertilizer due to its structural properties and components, served to reduce the negative effects of water stress by increasing the absorption of calcium (Ca) and potassium (K), and decreasing sodium (Na) absorption that resulted in increased evaluations for proline and protein content.