The Implementation 2000-2015 of the new Framework Directive : a new step toward integrated water policy in Europe. Its key elements are universal. The Directive of 23 October 2000 intends proposing to the water community policy and to the Member States << a transparent, effective and consistent legislative framework, >>. The Directive confirms the principles of integrated management and planning at the level of river basins, introduces obligations of results and proposes an overall approach, with a precise timetable, methods and a progressive development of the tools. It defines an objective << good status >> for the aquatic environments before 2015, gives the natural environments their place in the European water policy and preserves the future. The Framework Directive asks for the establishment of hydrological districts in large basins. It recognizes that the search for solutions. for better water resources management must pass through an integrated and holistic approach, organized at the relevant level of basins of rivers, lakes and aquifers, either local, national or transboundary. The Directive strengthens transboundary basin management. It introduces the concept (of << International Basin Districts)>> for which the riparian Member States will have to comply with the same obligations as for the strictly national basins. Clearly, nowhere else in the world, we may see, officially and,for 25 (+4) countries, a so high care of water resources management. This does not mean that WFD can be "exported" as an all to developing countries facing severe competition for scarce and polluted water resources in their quest for economic and social development. Conditions in those countries are different from the EU. WFD itself is not universal. But its key elements are, such as securing public participation, forming river basin councils, making river basin plans, setting time-bound, measurable targets, establishing appropriate monitoring and enforcement., introducing cost recovery mechanisms... Therefore, the important thing to "export" is the process of establishing an IWRM framework - the final shape varies from country to country.