fetal heart rate;
Large Offspring Syndrome;
D O I:
Q [生物科学];
07 ;
0710 ;
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The Large Offspring Syndrome has frequently been reported for in vitro produced calves. The objective of this study was to determine whether any differences in body dimensions (biparietal diameter of the cranium (BPD), cross-section of the abdomen at the insertion of the umbilical cord (CAU)) and heart rate (FHR) can be detected during the first 108 days of gestation between bovine foetuses derived from different methods of embryo production. Three groups of pregnancies with calvings at term resulted from non-surgical transfers of three types of embryos: recipients carrying an embryo obtained by standard MOET procedures (n = 25); recipients carrying an embryo produced in vitro from OPU-derived oocytes, using co-culture-medium (n = 14) or SOF-medium (n = 22). Transrectal ultrasonographic examinations were performed weekly. Ultrasound images were recorded and during off-line analysis FHR, BPD and CAU were determined. For each foetus a curve was fitted and the estimates on fixed time intervals were used as dependent variables in an analysis of variance to detect differences between the three pregnancy groups. Neither gestation length nor birth weight differed significantly between the three pregnancy groups, nor could any differences with respect to BPD, CAU or FHR be detected between Days 35 and 108 of gestation. It is concluded that no differences exist between the early development of bovine foetuses, derived from MOET, IVP-co-culture or IVP-SOF embryos, and resulting in calves with normal birth weights. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.