In order to learn the effect of soil mulch alone or combined with rowcovers on the growth and early and total yield of bell pepper Capsicum annuum L., five treatments were evaluated in a randomized block design with four replications: 1) no mulch, no rowcover, Control, 2) black plastic mulch alone (B), 3) B plus rowcover during 20 days after transplanting (dat), 4) B plus rowcover during 30 dat, 5) BPM plus rowcover during 40 dat. Total yield was increased by BPM alone or combined with rowcovers in around 10 t.ha(-1); the control yielded 40 t.ha(-1). The same treatments had a positive effect (p < 0.05) relative to the control in leaf area, specific leaf area and net assimilation rate. However, BPM plus row cover did not improve early and total yield, relative to BPM alone. The results indicate that early and total production of bell pepper is enhanced by BPM, while row cover plus BPM had no effect. High frequency of days over 35 degrees C (28-40 days) caused partial plant scald. Under the conditions of this experiment, the use of soil mulch plus rowcover is not recommended for bell pepper because growth and yield may be affected by excessive heat.