Gauging the interests of birth mother and child: a qualitative study of Swedish social workers' experiences of transnational gestational surrogacy

Arvidsson, Anna [1 ]
Johnsdotter, Sara [2 ]
Emmelin, Maria [3 ]
Essen, Birgitta [4 ]
[1] Uppsala Univ, Dept Womens & Childrens Hlth, Uppsala, Sweden
[2] Malmo Univ, Dept Social Work, Med Anthropol, Malmo, Sweden
[3] Lund Univ, Div Social Med & Global Hlth, Dept Clin Sci, Global Hlth, Lund, Sweden
[4] Uppsala Univ, Dept Womens & Childrens Hlth, Int Reprod & Maternal Hlth, Uppsala, Sweden
Legal parenthood; Sweden; social workers; transnational commercial surrogacy; construction; juridiskt foraldraskap; Sverige; familjerattssekreterare; transnationellt kommersiellt surrogatmoderskap; social konstruktion; BORDER REPRODUCTIVE CARE; LEGAL; GLOBALIZATION; ARRANGEMENTS; CHALLENGES;
C916 [社会工作、社会管理、社会规划];
1204 ;
There are few studies on how social workers deal with cases regarding transnational surrogacy. Our study intends to contribute to filling this gap. In Sweden, surrogacy as an assisted reproductive technology method is not permitted. As a result, many prospective parents have turned abroad, mainly to India, for surrogacy. There are no laws regulating surrogacy in Sweden, and difficulties have arisen in establishing legal parenthood when the parents return with the child. This qualitative interview study with social workers found that legal uncertainty and ethical issues surrounded their handling. With no guidelines, the constructions of parenthood will continue to depend on individual social workers' conflicting views on how to best meet the surrogate mother's interest and the best interest of the child. Regulation is thus needed to better protect those involved and minimize the contingent aspects of legal handling by individual officials. ABSTRAKTDet finns fa studier om hur socialarbetare handlagger arenden som beror transnationellt surrogatmoderskap. Var studie har for avsikt att bidra till att fylla detta tomrum. I Sverige ar det inte tillatet for sjukvarden att utfora assisterad befruktning vid surrogatmoderskap. Detta har gjort att manniskor vant sig utomlands for denna reproduktionsmetod, framst till Indien. Det finns inga lagar som reglerar surrogatmoderskap i Sverige, vilket har lett till svarigheter vid faststallande av rattsligt foraldraskap nar foraldrarna atervant med barnet. Denna kvalitativa intervjustudie med familjerattssekreterare har funnit att det finns rattslig osakerhet och etiska fragestallningar som paverkar deras hantering av arendet. Hur foraldraskap konstrueras i nulaget beror till stor del pa enskilda familjerattssekreterares uppfattning om hur man bast vager surrogatmammans intressen mot vad som ar bast for barnet. Avsaknad av riktlinjer och de etiska fragestallningarna har lett till osaker och olika hantering av arendena, och en reglering behovs for att battre skydda de inblandade och oka rattsakerheten i handlaggningen.
页码:86 / 99
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