The accuracy and sensitivity of plasma generation predicted by several different chemical kinetics models is investigated in the context of weakly ionized hypersonic flowfields around the Radio Attenuation Measurement (RAM-C) vehicle. A computational fluid dynamics analysis is used to examine 13 independent trajectory points along the RAM-C II flight, and an assessment of the chemistry models is made by comparing results to available flight measurements. The limitations of making such comparisons with the raw flight data are established in detail, including the inherent shortcomings associated with interpolating the flight data to assess a single trajectory point. Two separate geometries are evaluated in this study, as the initial RAM-C geometry was altered during flight after its nose cap was pyrotechnically ejected. The blunter post-ejection geometry generates more electrons in the stagnation region. In general, good agreement is found between each chemistry model and flight data from both the electrostatic probe and reflectometer stations above 56 km. An expected sizable gap exists between the simulations and reflectometer data at lower altitudes. The impact of forward reaction rates, equilibrium constants, and number of species varies considerably based on altitude, velocity, and position along the body.