Modernization and informatization of education leads to changes in the concept of university electronic library. Today e-library should correspond to the existing trends in education and be the tool of human resources development; e-library today contains regional specific features. It may be used as a tool to oppose demographic decline, complex migrant processes, and the outflow of manpower. The research devoted to the analysis of the trends in human resources development in Krasnoyarsky krai was carried out at the Siberian Federal University in 2009. It included the forecast for the period 2010-2030. Most technological innovations which provide opportunity to retain and develop human resources are being applied within the traditional scheme of in-person interaction, while around 70% of young people, according to sociological research, get information from electronic networks. In this respect the authors of the research pay special attention to the opportunities of electronic libraries. It is a widely-held opinion that the potential of electronic libraries has not been studied sufficiently yet and the understanding of what opportunities electronic libraries may offer is limited. Connecting universities and schools by means of broadband digital data exchange will considerably shorten the time of data transmission for end users - secondary school students, teachers, and parents. Free access to information becomes the most important factor for successful development, sharing innovative experience, scientific cooperation on the regional, national and international level. Working out the social and educational content of the SFU e-library will optimize funding in the social sphere and support most vulnerable categories of people in Krasnoyarsky krai. Developing social services and organizing recruiting agencies within the SFU e-library environment will help attract manpower. Why? The main idea is to use the e-library for human resources development and solving important social problems at Krasnoyarsky krai. A university library becomes not only the scientific but also the social centre. The extended target audience includes university students, teachers, senior classes of secondary schools, parents and other groups of people.