The orthodontic evaluation represents the sum of the clinical and complementary investigations, assessment and quantification of the cranio-facial, occlusal and functional characteristics of a dento-facial anomaly [7]. The aim of the study was to evaluate the benefit of the use of orthodontic indices with reference to the Orthodontic Treatment Index (IOTN), establishing the extent to which patients treated at the Clinic of Pediatric Dentistry Iasi of the "Grigore T. Popa" University during 2016-2018, correspond to this quantification, in terms of need of orthodontic treatment. Material and methods: We analyzed 632 patients, ages 6 to 24 years, with a wide range of orthodontic pathology.IOTN score was performed by examining study models and pre-therapeutic photos of subjects, in accordance with the methodology proposed by Richmond et al., in 1992 at Victoria University of Manchester [1, 8, 9]. To interpret the data collected from the subjects, we used descriptive statistics methods (SPSS 20.0 for Windows) to provide relevant information. Results: The distribution by the incisive relationship according to the Classification of the British Institute of Standards revealed 61, 2% of class I patients, 16, 31% class II/1, 13, 9% class 11/2 and 8, 59% class III patients. Studying the need for global treatment, we obtained that there is a need for aesthetically treatment moderate necessity (22.1%), followed by a mild necessity (18.95%).The study of the need for global treatment in terms of dental health reveals that in the study, predominant are subjects with high need (34.54%). Conclusions: The highest percentage of subjects (36.24%) were into the group with a moderate (borderline) necessity from aesthetic point of view but associated with a great necessity from the point of view of dental health.