Restorative justice (RJ) is both a philosophy and a set of practices meant to repair harm and maintain connection in the face of wrongdoing. While RJ is becoming increasingly popular among K-12 educators and in schools, emphasis is typically on its social justice applications, including its use as an alternative to zero-tolerance discipline policies and its role in dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline. However, RJ can also be understood as a trauma-informed mental health intervention allowing perpetrators, who have frequently been victims of past trauma, to regain a sense of voice and control, and to maintain social connection within their community. Social workers in school settings are in a prime position to explore and advocate for its increased use with vulnerable youth populations. Through review of relevant literature and use of a composite case example, this article outlines the harmful impacts of punitive and exclusionary discipline; describes the potential benefit of schools utilizing RJ as a mental health intervention; and recommends further research to understand RJ's effect on self-efficacy, self-regulation, and healthy attachment.