Education in Mexico is in a state of metamorphosis; partly because of globalization and partly because of the evolution of the education system. The transformations occur simultaneously with the technological entry in all educational levels. A paradigm centred on learning is adopted, only when there is institutional support. In a first phase, the changes validated by the schools are subsequently authorized and the training programs for teachers are structured so that the students are the beneficiaries of the process. The evaluation of programs, models, and educational plans is a task that aims to optimize learning. In the School of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the 2010 Plan of the Bachelor of Medicine was implemented with a model of teaching by competences, until today it is unknown what has been the experience of teachers. In the present work, we share the findings by exploring the opinion of the professors of Pharmacology about the educational model and the contribution of the Pharmacology Program with the acquisition of the following eight competencies: 1 Critical thinking, clinical judgment, decision making and information management. 2 Self-regulated and permanent learning. 3 Effective communication. 4 Knowledge and application of the biomedical, socio-medical and clinical sciences in the practice of medicine. 5 Clinical skills of diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and rehabilitation. 6 Professionalism, ethical aspects and legal responsibilities. 7 Population health and health system: health promotion and disease prevention. 8 Development and personal growth. The subject of Pharmacology is taught in the second year, weekly is available 8 hours. Methodology: we draw up a Likert scale to explore general and specific aspects. The instrument has 12 questions with a Likert scale, the first four explore whether the competency model is appropriate for the teaching of Pharmacology, if Pharmacology can be taught with this model, if a change of teaching strategies is required and if 8 hours a week is enough time. We invited 37 professors to participate voluntarily, only 16 professors delivered the solved instrument and the signed informed consent letter in order to publish the results. The general exploration was to know the opinion of the teachers regarding the Pharmacological teaching with the competency model. In the specific aspects was to know the opinion regarding the contribution of the course of Pharmacology in the acquisition of the 8 competencies of Plan 2010. Results: most teachers agree with the general aspects: pharmacology can be taught with the competency model and requires a change in teaching strategies, in addition to partially contributing to the acquisition of the following 3 competencies: 1 Clinical skills in diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and rehabilitation, 2 Professionalism, ethical aspects and legal responsibilities 3 Personal growth and development. The teachers expressed their disagreement on the following: time is insufficient with the teaching model, in the remaining competences they are divided and there is no definitive position. Conclusions: the present is a pilot study, and showed that teachers agree that Pharmacology can be taught with a Competencies model, which implies a change in strategy, but there are disagreements in the acquisition of competences linked to the practice clinic.