Vertical electrical sounding employing schlumberger electrode configuration was carried out in thirty locations across some parts of Enugu state, to investigate the hydrokinetic properties of hydrogeologic units of the study area. The result shows that resistivity and thickness of aquifer ranges from 27.3 to 59,569.0 Omega m and 23.3 to 242.1 m respectively. Permeability and fractional porosity values range from 4,531.254 to 74,006.76 mD and 0.026 to 0.159. AQI having a mean value of 13.5451 mu m range from 6.809 to 52.976 mu m. FZI and HFU values range from 37.582 to 1,962.074 mu m and 18 to 26 respectively. Contour maps were generated from the results to visualize the variations of the hydrokinetic properties across the study area. From the contour maps, southern part of the study area was identified to be characterized with high AQI, FZI and HFU with northwestern part and a small proportion along the southwestern part identified as areas with low AQI, FZI and HFU. HFU along the study area was observed to be fractionated into nine distinct properties (HFU 18, HFU 19, HFU 20, HFU 21, HFU 22, HFU 23, HFU 24, HFU 25, and HFU 26) with HFU 19 and HFU 20 dominating the area. The results from the nine hydraulic flow units based on flow zone indicator cut off values (Log FZI>0.25) shows that the reservoir quality is very high.