There is a lack of experience with fully covered self-expandable metal stents (SEMSs) for the treatment of benign esophageal conditions in the pediatric population. This is the evaluation of our institutional experience of placing SEMSs for anastomotic stricture (AS) formation following esophageal atresia (EA) repair. Patients were jointly managed from the Department of Pediatric Surgery and Central Interdisciplinary Endoscopy at our institution. Thirteen children (8 male, 5 female) with a median age of 4 months (range: 1-32 months) who underwent treatment with SEMSs for a postoperative AS following EA repair between February 2006 and April 2016 were recruited into this retrospective study. SEMSs that are originally designed for other organs such as trachea, bronchus, biliary tract, or colon were inserted under general anesthesia via endoscopic guidance. Simultaneous fluoroscopy was not required in any case. In five infants, the stents were inserted primarily without previous therapy. Seven patients underwent stenting following dilatation with or without adjuncts (e.g. Mitomycin C, Triamcinolone). In one case with an AS and a simultaneous persistent tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF), multiple SEMSs were applied after failure to close the fistula with fibrin glue. The median duration of individual stent placement was 30 days (range: 5-91 days). In five children up to four different biliary, bronchial or colonic SEMSs were placed successively over time. There were no problems noted at stent insertion or removal. Eight children (62%) developed complications associated with stenting. At follow-up, in eight patients (62%) AS was resolved, including all of those five cases, who had their stents inserted without previous therapy. Five children (38%), who underwent dilatation prior to stenting did not improve their AS and required further intervention. Overall, the cohort exhibited a slight, but not significant weight gain between stent insertion and (final) stent removal. Insertion of SEMSs for AS following EA repair is safe and often successful with only one single application. It can be used as a primary procedure (without previous therapy) or after failed dilatations. There was one death in this study that was unrelated to stenting and occurred 12 months after stent removal. Because of the absence of manufactured, age-related devices, SEMSs that are originally designed for other organs can be applied. Establishment of a standardized management including stent placement for the treatment of AS following EA repair in the pediatric population is required.