OBJECTIVE: To determine a) if surgical skills among urology resident applicants could be reliably assessed via crowdsourcing and b) to what extent surgical skills testing impacts resident selection. DESIGN: Interviewees completed the following surgical skills tasks during their interview day: open knot tying (OKT), laparoscopic peg transfer (LPT), and robotic suturing (RS). Urology faculty and crowd-workers evaluated each applicant's video-recorded performance using validated scoring and were assessed for agreement using Cronbach's alpha. Applicants' USMLE scores, interview scores, and Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy (JSPE-S) scores were assessed for correlation with skills testing scores and match rank. Additionally, a survey was distributed to interviewees assessing match outcomes. SETTING: University of California Irvine Department of Urology, Surgical Skills Laboratory PARTICIPANTS: All 94 urology residency interviewees at the University of California Irvine Department of Urology from 2015-2018 were invited to complete the three surgical skills tasks on their interview day. RESULTS: Survey responses were received from all 94 interviewees (100%). Crowd and expert agreement was good (a=0.88), fair (a=0.67), and poor (a=0.32) for LPT, RS, and OKT scores, respectively. The skills testing scores did not correlate with match rank, USMLE score, or JSPE-S score. On multivariate analysis, only interview score (r= -0.723; p<0.001) and faculty LPT score (r=0.262; p=0.001) were significant predictors of match rank. Interviewees who reported matching into a top 3 residency choice had significantly higher faculty LPT scores than those who did not (11.9 vs. 9.7, p=0.03). CONCLUSIONS: Surgical skills overall did not significantly impact match rank. Expert assessment of laparoscopic peg transfer skills and interview performance among urology resident applicants correlated with match rank. ((C) Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Association of Program Directors in Surgery.)