The trial was carried (luring period 2013-2015 with twelve Bulgarian cotton cultivars - Chirpan-539, Helius, Trakia, Viki, Filipopolis, IPK-Veno, Boyana, Avangard, Natalia, Danny Donna and Nelina (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Herbicides Bazagran 480 SL (bentazone), Pulsar 40 (imazamox) and Express 50 SX (tribenuronmethyl), applied during budding stage of cotton, were investigated. For the first time in the world, cotton cultivars resistant to herbicides Basagran 480 SL, Pulsar 40 and Express 50 SX were identified. Herbicide Bazagran 480 SL had the highest phytotoxicit on seed germination in cultivars Chirpan-539. Herbicide Pulsar 40 had the highest phytotoxicity on seed germination in cultil ar Filipopolis. Herbicide Express 50 SX had the highest phytotoxicity on seed germination in culth ar Chirpan-539. From the viewpoint of technology for cotton growing, in terms of its impact on germination of cotton seeds, technologically the most suitable to foliar treatment with herbicide Bazagran 480 SL are cultivars Helius, Trakia, Viki, Filipopolis, IPK-Veno, Boyana, Avangard, Natalia, Darmy Donna and Nelina. For the first time in the world we established that in the vegetative treatment with herbicides, technologically the most suitable to foliar treatment with herbicide Pulsar 40 are cultivars Helius, Trakia, IPK-Veno, Boyana. Technologically the most suitable to foliar treatment with herbicide Express 50 SX are cultivars Filipopolis, IPK-Veno, Avangard, Natalia and Donna. These variants combine high levels of the seed germination and high stability of this index during the years.