Petrology and mineralisation of the southern Platreef: northern limb of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa

Kinnaird, JA [1 ]
Hutchinson, D
Schurmann, L
Nex, PAM
de Lange, R
[1] Univ Witwatersrand, Econ Geol Res Inst, ZA-2050 Wits, South Africa
[2] Ivanhoe Nickel & Platinum Ltd, ZA-0600 Mokopane, South Africa
platinum-group elements; PGE; base metals; Platreef; Bushveld Complex;
P3 [地球物理学]; P59 [地球化学];
0708 ; 070902 ;
The Platreef, the putative local analogue of the Merensky Reef, forms the floor to the mafic succession in the northern limb of the Bushveld Complex. We de. ne the Platreef as 'the lithologically variable unit, dominated by pyroxenite, which is irregularly mineralised with PGE, Cu and Ni, between the Transvaal metasedimentary footwall or Archaean basement and the overlying Main Zone gabbronorite'. We de. ne the mineralisation around calcsilicate xenoliths within the Main Zone in the far north of the limb as a `Platreef-style` mineralisation. The Platreef ( ss) has a strike extent of similar to 30 km, whereas Platreef-style mineralisation occurs over a strike length of 110 km. The Platreef varies from 400 m thick in the S to < 50 m in the N. The overall strike is NW or N, with dips 40 - 45 degrees W at surface, shallowing down dip, The overall geometry of the southern Platreef appears to have been controlled by irregular floor topography. The maximum thickness of the southern Platreef occurs in two sub-basins on the farms Macalacaskop and Turfspuit. Lithologically, the southern Platreef is heterogeneous and more variable than sectors further north and, although predominantly pyroxenitic, includes dunites, peridotites and norite cycles with anorthosite in the mid to upper portion. Zones of intense serpentinisation may occur throughout the package. Faults offset the strike of the Platreef: a N - S, steeply dipping set is predominant with secondary ENE and ESE sets dipping 50 - 70 degrees S. The fault architecture was pre-Bushveld and also locally controlled thickening and thinning of the succession. Country rock xenoliths, < 1500 m long, are common. On Macalacaskop, these are typically quartzites and hornfelsed banded iron-stones, shales, mudstones and siltstones whereas on Turfspruit dolomitic or calcsilicate xenoliths also occur. Sulphides may reach > 30 modal% in some intersections. These are dominated by pyrrhotite, with lesser pentlandite and chalcopyrite, minor pyrite and traces of a wide compositional range of sulphides. In the southern sector, mineralised zones have Cu grades of 0.1 - 0.25% and Ni 0.15 - 0.36%. Massive sulphides are localised, commonly, but not exclusively towards the contact with footwall metasedimentary rocks. Magmatic sulphides are disseminated or net-textured ranging from a few microns to 2 cm grains of pyrrhotite and pentlandite with chalcopyrite and minor pyrite. Much of the sulphide is associated with intergranular plagioclase, or quartz-feldspar symplectites, along the margins of rounded cumulus orthopyroxenes. The PGEs in the southern sector occur as tellurides, bismuthides, arsenides, antimonides, bismuthoantimonides and complex bismuthotellurides. PGM are rarely included in the sulphides but occur as micron-sized satellite grains around interstitial sulphides and within alteration assemblages in serpentinised zones. The Pt: Pd ratio similar to 1 and PGE grade may be decoupled from S and base metal abundance.
页码:576 / 597
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