One of the goals of ASME Section XI is to ensure that systems and components remain in safe operation throughout the service life, which can include plant license extensions and renewals. This goal is maintained through requirements on periodic inspections and operating plant criteria as contained in Section XI IWB-2500 and IWB-3700, respectively. Operating plant fatigue concerns can be caused from operating conditions or specific transients not considered in the original design transients. ASME Section XI IWB-3740, Operating Plant Fatigue Assessments, provides guidance on analytical evaluation procedures that can be used when the calculated fatigue usage exceeds the fatigue usage limit defined in the original Construction Code. One of the options provided in Section XI Appendix L is through the use of a flaw tolerance analysis. The flaw tolerance evaluation involves postulation of a flaw and predicting its future growth, and thereby establishing the period of service for which it would remain acceptable to the structural integrity requirements of Section XI. The flaw tolerance approach has the advantage of not requiring knowledge of the cyclic service history, tracking future cycles, or installing systems to monitor transients and cycles. Furthermore, the flaw tolerance can also justify an inservice inspection period of 10 years, which would match a plant's typical Section XI in-service inspection interval. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate a flaw tolerance evaluation based on ASME Section XI Appendix L for several auxiliary piping systems for a typical PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor) nuclear power plant. The flaw tolerance evaluation considers the applicable piping geometry, materials, loadings, crack growth mechanism, such as fatigue crack growth, and the inspection detection capabilities. The purpose of the Section XI Appendix L evaluation is to demonstrate that a reactor coolant piping system continues to maintain its structural integrity and ensures safe operation of the plant.