The purpose of this presentation is to show three moments related to our experiences and thoughts around art research within the Colombian context. The first moment is related to some theoretical learning derived from the reading process of articles and books, the discussions with experts and the participation in academic meetings. Regarding the second moment, the center of the discussion arises from our own artistic practice developed as a research within our Master's and PhD studies. The third moment refers to the teaching practice in the visual arts area in which we have had to teach undergraduate and graduate classes, as well as coordinate different levels of research projects in the artistic research or research - creation categories, as it is known in Colombia. In that sense, the focus of this proposal is based on a theoretical reflection supported by a case study in connection with the moments mentioned above. In the first moment, some key authors will be traced at a national and international level that characterize the concept of art research according to their interests; for the second moment, our personal artistic research will be deployed where those authors echo and our intuitions as creators / professors / researchers; and in the third moment, some art research projects from students will be selected to exemplify the possibilities and difficulties of the implementation of international discourses in localized Colombian contexts. To give an account of these particularities and to confront them with the current discussion that the IV International Congress in Research in Visual Arts proposes, allows an extension of both the pedagogical and artistic act in view of the elaboration of a theoretical-practical balance that will have to revert in new routes of teaching-learning of arts research