In this paper, the authors explore learning schools and their relevance to e-learning. The work shows that to raise awareness about alternative approaches to e-learning, about their advantages and problems it is necessary to initiate an interest in the development of new e-learning models. The authors support the idea of choosing appropriate learning strategies and focus on e-learning. Namely, the development of appropriate educational materials, the achievement of a variety of educational goals, the maintenance of student motivation, the promotion of interaction, and the elimination of individual differences. In this work, the authors presented the developmental plan for e-learning. First, it is proposed to include contextual education through the systematic use of professional context. It will allow to facilitate the transfer of learning to real-life situations and to facilitate deep processing through learning strategies that require learners to apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate information. Secondly, the elements of learning models can be combined in different ways, under different circumstances, for different purposes. It is necessary to adapt learning conditions to new and changing conditions of digital era. The article is based on authors many years' experience working on electronic online platform. This on-line platform (CAMPUS) was developed and implemented in the learning process at the University. The materials of lectures and seminars are uploaded and available electronically at this platform. During training, the students generate their own content in the form of blogs. Presentations, case studies, preparation for exams and chat with tutor and other students are available online. Group discussions are initiated by tutors. Such feedback is formed after the end of each training module. Students are also taught the skill of finding and using the material in open sources. The result is the creation of students ready to learn from each other at anytime and anywhere. As a result of the implementation and continuous improvement, the tutor's role is changing. The benefits of e-learning are obvious. This is an electronically accessible academic support that greatly facilitates the learning process. Paper also consider the transformation in knowledge management connected to all mentioned above and possible ways of the development of education environment and knowledge management.