Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of extrinsic aspects of the technology acceptance model, namely, information quality, functionality, accessibility, user interface design, system quality, functionality, facilitating conditions and computer playfulness as well as intrinsic aspects, namely, perceived self-efficacy, enjoyment and learning goals. orientation on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use in the context of the learning management system (LMS) as a system to support employee learning and development. This study also analyzes the effect of perceived ease of use on perceived usefulness and analyzes the effect of these two variables on the intention to adopt a LMS. This study included 3,205 respondents who are employees of banking companies in Indonesia and who used the LMS for their learning and self-development needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach This research is a quantitative study that uses online surveys to collect data and partial least squares statistical tools to analyze survey data. Findings The results showed that accessibility alone had no effect on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, while enjoyment had no effect on the intention to use LMS and perceived ease of use and functionality had no effect on the intention to use LMS. Research limitations/implications This research focuses on the concept of technology acceptance with extrinsic and intrinsic aspects. This research context involves employees working in the banking sector with the adoption of the LMS. Practical implications LMS in banking companies can be optimized by providing online training and reducing the operational costs of employee training. By using LMS, companies can offer online courses to employees and track progress in distance learning, become a learning choice and information dissemination during the pandemic and also support future business continuity. Originality/value This study focuses on testing the technology adoption model on LMSs in the banking sector by adding extrinsic aspects, namely, system quality, facilitating conditioning, computer playfulness and user interface design, and combining intrinsic aspects, namely, perceived self-efficacy, enjoyment and learning goal orientation.