The Even Pair Lemma, proved by Meyniel, states that no minimal imperfect graph contains a pair of vertices such that all chordless paths joining them have even lengths. This Lemma has proved to be very useful in the theory of perfect graphs. The Odd Pair Conjecture, with 'even' replaced by 'odd', is the natural analogue of the Even Pair Lemma. We prove a partial result for this conjecture, namely: no minimal imperfect graph G contains a three-pair, i.e. two nonadjacent vertices u(1),u(2) such that all chordless paths of G joining u(1) to u(2) contain precisely three edges. As a by-product, we obtain short proofs of two previously known theorems: the first one is a well-known theorem of Meyniel (a graph is perfect if each of its odd cycles with at least five vertices contains at least two chords), the second one is a theorem of Olariu (a graph is perfect if it contains no odd antihole, no P-5 and no extended claw as induced subgraphs).