Antioxidants such as phenolics, terpenoids, carotenoids, sterols, VE and alkaloids, are receiving increasing attention due to their demonstrated health benefits. However, conventional technologies used to extract some of these antioxidants may have some limitations. Therefore, there is a need for emerging efficient technologies that are environmentally friendly and that are cost-effective. Supercritical CO2 extraction, which has already reached commercial application for some products, is one of the most widely studied techniques. This technology is simple and fast and allows selective extraction at moderate pressures and low temperatures. This paper reviewed recent findings about the antioxidants including phenolics, terpenoids, carotenoids, sterols, VE and alkaloids. The impact of important parameters related to sample preparation and extraction process on the efficiency of extraction and on the characteristics of the extracted products is evaluated based on an extensive review of recent literatures. The future of extraction of antioxidants is certainly bright with the use of combined other technologies, such as microwave extraction, pulsed electric field, high-pressure processing, ultrasonic extraction, and ohmic heating, that will allow high-quality antioxidants to be produced.