Prostatitis has been associated with abnormal semen parameters and may be the cause of infertility in some patients. Sperm antibodies and impaired sperm motility have been observed in the semen of patients with prostatitis. More recently, seminal oxidative stress has been detected in patients with prostatitis or accessory gland infection. Oxidative stress is the result of elevated Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) or depressed Total Anti-oxidant Capacity, or both. Granulocytes, in prostatic fluid may be responsible for the generation of ROS, which are known to impair sperm function. Abnormal levels of ROS, however, have also been detected in the absence of leucocytospermia. Several investigators have observed significant oxidative stress in the semen or prostatic fluid from patients with bacterial and abacterial forms of prostatitis, comparable with levels reported in men with recognized infertility. Whether prostatitis is a risk factor for infertility or not, remains controversial. Therefore, the role of seminal oxidative stress as either the result of prostatic inflammation or the cause of infertility is likewise debateable, but plausible. We summarize the results of our studies, as well as those of others who are dedicated to the research of prostatitis, and its potential effects on semen quality.