This paper investigates the relationship between economic growth and pollutant emissions in Wenzhou, China, during the period 1988-2007. The investigation is made on the basis of the environmental Kuznets curve(EKC) hypothesis, using time series data and factor analysis. Industrial three wastes pollution emissions were used as the environmental indicators, and GDP as the economic indicator. Various function models were employed in Environmental Kuznets Curve of Wenzhou. Moreover factors analysis method was used to describe industrial gas discharge conditions from three aspects: economical total level, technological improvement, conjunct intersect action of them. The results showed that there are special features which was evidence of first U-shaped and then inverted U-shaped EKC relationships' existence in Wenzhou. Industrial three wastes emissions with the increase in economic output increased, with the improvement of technological progress, economic and environmental technologies to enhance cross-synergies to reduce. Compared with technological progress, the effect s of the crossed synergy of economy and technology are more remarkable and obvious to the decrease of industrial waste gas. Therefore, Wenzhou government should make full use of market mechanisms and policies to enhance effects of energy saving emission reduction.