Low-income countries are significantly more vulnerable than high-income countries to the risks posed by natural hazards. This paper describes the findings of research into stakeholders' perceptions of the overall effectiveness of early warnings and risk assessments for weather-related hazards (i.e. cyclones, floods, droughts and landslides), for humanitarian and development purposes in low-income countries in Africa, the Caribbean and South Asia. New findings are derived from a survey and consultations with some 400 practitioners, scientists, researchers and decision-makers in the regions. Our findings, which were based upon the collated results of a literature review, stakeholder interviews together with other reviews and surveys, show that although there would appear to have been some progress in improving early warning and risk assessments for weather-related hazards, it is highly variable across the three regions. The findings are inconsistent with the self-reporting of progress against the Hyogo Framework for Action, which in many cases give a more positive view of their status. Significantly, more work is required to produce robust, reliable and accessible information to reduce vulnerability and manage risks, and this should concentrate on understanding aspects of vulnerability, effective risk communication and community-level actions, as well as some well-focused improvements in technical, and underpinning scientific aspects of early warning systems and risk assessments.