Background: Pulse crops are commonly known as poor man's meat. Pigeon pea is second most important pulse crops of India after chickpea. Weeds are amongst prime biotic factors limiting pigeon pea yield and can cause seed yield losses up to 80 per cent. Promising result of weed control by pendimethalin was documented in pigeon pea. Also Imazethapyr is applied as pre and post emergence to control grasses and broad leaved weeds in other pulse crops but limited research was undertaken in pigeon pea. Therefore, current experiment focused to compare the effect of imidazolinones alone and in combination in pigeon pea. Methods: To control weeds in pigeon pea, pre and post-emergence of imidazolinones alone and in combination with pendimethalin was applied. Nutrient content, nutrient uptake, productivity and economics of pigeon pea were worked out. Conclusion: Among herbicidal treatments, the highest nutrient content, nutrient uptake, productivity, net returns and benefit cost ratio in pigeon pea were observed in the pre-emergence application of pendimethalin + imazethapyr @ 1000 + 75 g ha(-1). Therefore, this treatment may be an effective and profitable alternative to the existing manual and costlier recommendation (two hoeing at 25 and 45 DAS) of weed control in pigeon pea in Haryana locality.