Cercosporidium personatum (Berk. & Curt.) Deighton causes late leaf spot (LLS) in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), which leads to necrotic lesions, early leaf senescence and yield losses. Detailed physiological analyses can contribute to an improved understanding of peanut-disease interactions and cultivar improvement. A study was conducted evaluating two peanut cultivars with more (York) and less (Carver) quantitative resistance to C. personatum grown under fungicide-sprayed and nonsprayed conditions in the field at Citra, FL over 2 yr. Data were collected on disease severity using the Florida 1 to 10 visual rating scale and by direct measurement of percent canopy lesion area. Leaf lifespan, total canopy photosynthesis (TCP), plant growth, and pod yield were also measured. Disease severity based on canopy lesion area was reduced by 30% in York compared to Carver. No additive effects of combining the resistant cultivar with fungicide were seen, as fungicide use increased yield by 364 kg ha(-1) for both cultivars. Yield was more strongly related to disease severity based on canopy lesion area than to the Florida scale. Yield improvement with York was not as closely related to disease severity with only a 6% gain in pod yield in York compared to Carver. In addition, reduction in TCP was greater in York compared to Carver given their respective disease severity. These results indicated that combining resistance with the maintenance of physiological function during LLS infection could result in improved peanut yields under diseased conditions.