After previously examining an estrogen receptor agonist (17 beta-estradiol), several additional compounds have been evaluated in a Tier I screening battery for detecting endocrine-active compounds (EACs): an estrogen receptor antagonist (ICI-182,780, ICI), an androgen receptor antagonist (flutamide, FLUT), a testosterone biosynthesis inhibitor (ketoconazole, KETO), a 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor (finasteride, FIN), and an aromatase inhibitor (anastrozole, ANA). The Tier I battery incorporates two short-term in vivo tests (a 5-day ovariectomized female battery and a 15-day intact male battery) and an in vitro yeast transactivation system (YTS). The Tier I battery is designed to identify compounds that have the potential to act as agonists or antagonists to the estrogen, androgen, progesterone, or dopamine receptors, steroid biosynthesis inhibitors (aromatase, 5 alpha-reductase, and testosterone biosynthesis), or compounds that alter thyroid function. ICI administration decreased uterine estrogen and progesterone receptor number in the female battery, increased serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels and caused spermatid retention in the male battery, and activated gene transcription in the YTS containing the estrogen receptor. FLUT administration increased uterine stromal cell proliferation in the female battery and decreased weights for all androgen-dependent tissues, induced Leydig cell hyperplasia, and caused hormonal alterations (increased testosterone (T), estradiol (E2), dihydrotestosterone (DHT), luteinizing hormone (LH), and FSH) in the male battery, and competed for binding to the androgen receptor in the YTS competition assay. In the male battery KETO decreased weights for all androgen-dependent tissues, caused hormonal alterations (decreased T and DHT and increased LH and FSH), and induced spermatid retention. FIN decreased seminal vesicle and accessory sex gland (ASG) unit weight and caused hormonal alterations (decreased DHT and increased LH, and PRL) in the male battery. KETO was judged not to affect any of the endpoints in the female battery. ANA decreased ASG unit weight and serum E2 levels in the male battery. Using the responses obtained for all the endpoints in the Tier I battery, a distinct "fingerprint" was produced for each type of endocrine activity against which compounds with unknown activity can be compared. These data demonstrate that the described Tier I battery is useful for identifying EACs. (C) 1998 Society of Toxicology.