Twenty-four mobilized peripheral blood products from healthy donors for allogeneic transplantation were positively selected for CD34(+) cells and depleted of CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells (+/- selection) by combining clinical grade immunomagnetic methods. A sequential, 'two-step' strategy combining positive selection of CD34(+) cells by use of the Isolex 300i (versions 1 and 2) device and T cell depletion (TCD) using the MaxSep device and a simultaneous, 'one-step' method of CD34(+) cell selection and TCD using the Isolex 300i (software versions 1 and 2) have been investigated. Using these magnetic bead separation systems, two groups of sequential +/- selection (Isolex 300i version 1/MaxSep and Isolex 300i version 2/MaxSep) and two groups of simultaneous +/- selection (Isolex 300i versions 1 and 2) were analysed, In the sequential +/- selection, logarithms of TCD (CD3(+) cell depletion) obtained by the positive selection step had median values of 3.7 with the version 1 (n = 5) and 4.5 with version 2 software of the Isolex 300i (n = 5) (P = 0.07), Version 2 also gave a higher CD34(+) cell purity and yield than did version 1 (92% vs 77%, P < 0.05 and 55% vs 34%, P = 0.3, respectively), Additional TCD obtained in the second step with the MaxSep device for the two groups had a median value of 0.9 log and 7% CD34(+) cell losses. In the simultaneous +/- selection, the Isolex 300i version 2 (n = 10) gave a median TCD of 5.1 log and version 1 (n = 4) of 4 log (P < 0.005), Higher CD34(+) cell purity and yield were also obtained with version 2 than with version 1 (97% and 76%, P < 0.005 and 57% and 39%, P = 0.07, respectively). These data indicate that simultaneous, 'one-step' +/- selection in the Isolex 300i version 2 achieves a high TCD with a high CD34(+) cell purity and an acceptable CD34(+) cell yield.