共 50 条
Validity and reliability of the German version of the short understanding of substance abuse scale
Moggi, F
Giovanoli, A
Sutter, M
Humphreys, K
[1] Univ Bern, Hosp Clin Psychiat, Bern, Switzerland
[2] Stanford Univ, Ctr Med, Palo Alto, CA 94304 USA
[3] Vet Affairs Med Ctr, Palo Alto, CA 94304 USA
short understanding of substance abuse scale;
Verstandnis von Storungen durch Substanzkonsum;
validity and reliability;
disease model;
psychosocial model;
D O I:
R194 [卫生标准、卫生检查、医药管理];
This paper presents the German version of the Short Understanding of Substance Abuse Scale ( SUSS) [Humphreys et al.: Psychol Addict Behav 1996; 10: 38 - 44], the Verstandnis von Storungen durch Substanzkonsum (VSS), and evaluates its psychometric properties. The VSS assesses clinicians' beliefs about the nature and treatment of substance use disorders, particularly their endorsement of psychosocial and disease orientation. The VSS was administered to 160 treatment staff members at 12 substance use disorder treatment programs in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. Because the confirmatory factor analysis of the VSS did not completely replicate the factorial structure of the SUSS, an exploratory factor analysis was undertaken. This analysis identified two factors: the Psychosocial model factor and a slightly different Disease model factor. The VSS Disease and Psychosocial subscales showed convergent and discriminant validity, as well as sufficient reliability. Copyright (c) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.
页码:172 / 179