The Halal food market in Indonesia has a big potential where 88% of the population is Muslim. The number of Islamic population in Indonesia according to the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) in 2010 reached 207.1 million people, where the largest population is on the island of Java. Even Thombson Reuters article (2015) showed that Indonesia got first ranks "Top Muslim consumer food expenditure markets". Halal logo Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) is a certification of halal product listed in food products, and non-food products. Halal logo MUI has global access, where export and import products traded in Indonesia should have it. Muslims in Indonesia are very concerned about halal issues, because in Islamic religious are prohibited to consume haram products, including foods that are not hygienic and contaminated with haram materials. This research uses quantitative approach through survey method and multiple regression analysis in use to measure the influence of independent variable to dependent variable. Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) is used to construct hypothetical models. A total of 152 responses were received from 200 questionnaires distributed, which gave a response rate of 76 percent. Respondents were taken from three different places; Minimarket, Fast Food Restaurant, and Supermarket in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. The result of the analysis stated that attitude toward halal labeling and subjective norm have positive and significant influence on the variable of intention with significance level less than 0.001.